Sunday, April 8, 2012

Apr 7 White Perch Revolution

Two Buddys invited me along to watch a Pond Fishing guarantee become THE TRUTH. Best White Perch fishing in the World? Not sure.... In North Carolina? Not Sure.... In the Central Coastal Area? ABSOLUTELY.... Two dudes casting and it WAS EVERY CAST, caught a White Perch for 90 minutes straight. I looked over some of the ones kept this morning and counted 18 NC Freshwater Citations. Many were released. Two seperate loads of them were hauled away. My cooler had 39 White Perch in it. My Aquarium has 4 White Perch in it! Including Citation-sized brutish twins named Stacy and Tracy (The Mills brothers), and sexy little gals named Robin and Ashlyn. Honestly, they are a little too big for their new home. I plan to release them soon to the Mung Hole. Hopefully, they will get it on and start a breeding population of delicious White Perch just across the street from my house. It was tough to watch fishing this good. I got to participate with instructions and moral support. I love to be the Fishing Guide when instructions such as "Hit the Water with your Cast" results in an immediate bite! Before yesterday, I had never caught but 1 White Perch in my life! Honestly, I never fished for them, and never fished alot in "Perch Water". I know they are great eating and hard fighting. First cousin of Striped Bass, that says enough right there.... Total Catch for the Day: 80 White Perch up to 1 lb 4 oz and 2 Longnose Gar up to 8 lbs  


  1. Watching buddys fish? Gotta be killing Capt Marty. Easter Bunny good to you?

  2. Yes it was difficult watching those guys bail Citation Perch. I cant wait to try some Perch filets though. Also, got some fish in my new Aquarium. Sitting out LIFE, I figured an Aquarium would be a good diversion. We probably didn't need 4 of them however. And they're all too big. Stacy and Tracy were splashing water out and were going to do some serious damage. They had to go! Meanwhile, Robin & Ashlyn just sit there and stare at me and look pretty. Those girls are amazing. If I don't get too attached to them, I don't know, maybe I should let them go now before I fall in love with them. Fishy Fishy. Poor little fishys.

  3. So, you finally found a way to keep Robin. How sweet.

    Ted Bundy

  4. Thanks Ted, I thought you rode the lightning? Yeah, bad job naming fish. I plan to release those girls soon and get on with life with no little silvery, hungry reminders of a long ago time....
