Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May 16 Bluefish Frenzy & Missing Cobia

Capt Chris took BJ Swain out today for a Cobia/Bluefish trip and he definitely fulfilled half of the promise. Last year, I took BJ, and we caught 10 Cobia on bait and lost a monster... It was a great day, 10 out of 11 on Cobia bites!! This year, everything is different... From my back to the fishing! So here's how it went...... The boys actually caught a net full of Menhaden so things were looking good for bait fishing. However, they decided to go sight casting first and unbelievably, they found 12-15 Leatherback Turtles and every single Turtle was cobia-less.... Two years ago, finding a Leatherback Turtle in May or June off Beaufort Inlet was an automatic Cobia.... This year, it just aint happening... The crew did find a monster school of Chopper Bluefish off Cape Lookout and they hammered them... Casting into a 1000 Bluefish that weighed from 7 to 10 pounds each, you couldn't miss. It was awesome action and they threw all the junk on my boat that nothing else would bite, and it was a bite on every cast! Between the Turtles and the Bluefish, the day slipped away. They finally tried bait fishing late in the afternoon and caught one measly Shark. Another terrible Cobia day in a terrible Cobia year.... Total Catch for the Day: 15 Bluefish from 7-10 lbs and 1 Sharpnose Shark


  1. great job guys.looks like you had fun....Can't wait to get back to see ya!!!JeNN

  2. Take care JeNN and come on back and we will have a good time!

  3. Now why are we gaffing the chopper blues and puttin' em in the box? They don't taste good, right? Chopper blues ain't exactly in short supply, I'm just wonderin'.

  4. I've grilled them wrapped in foil with canned tomatoes and onions and heavily seasoned and with a few beers and a couple of bikinied Hatteras Girls everybody thought the fish were delicious... Maybe we were just distracted.... However, these Bluefish are going to be smoked by Capt Chris's girlfriends father for a big hoedown at his hunting club. He said "bring me all you can get, not a flake of meat will be wasted." They boxed 9 of 15, so it wasn't an all out slaughter....

  5. Also, I have made 3 batches of Bluefish Ceviche this spring and I have to say, it is addictive. BJ Swain, Chris, and I gorged on it while fishing. Excellent. Bluefish, onion, bell pepper, sea salt, black pepper, red pepper, soy sauce, green Tabasco, and the juice of 4 limes.... refrigerate for 2-3 days and start chewing.....with a cracker or bare handed. A great cold snack or meal!

  6. well Jenn is back in town..looking forward 2 some fun with my friends tom.Good things are yet 2 come.Hope u have a great wk end..ttyl
