Sunday, June 17, 2012

June 17 Slow Fishing & Windy

This was probably the toughest day of the year for me, personally.... Things just ARE NOT GOING MY WAY.... I had a great crew on board, Randy and gang from Greensboro and Winston Salem... I really wanted to catch them a big fish! Will and I went out in front of Harker's Island and caught a huge cast net full of Menhaden... And.......................... That was the highlight of the day... We picked up my fishing crew at 1pm and it was Struggle City... When it was over, we had caught an unusual Bullet Mackerel that we spent an hour chasing and casting to..... I've seen a few Bullet Mackerel, Frigate Mackerel, and Chub Mackerel in North Carolina waters, but they are an unusual catch... Its hilarious to me to hear all the local guides and resisdent "experts" brag about all the "baby Albacore" in the Cape Lookout Bight! Oh well, everyone isn't a "fish idiot" like me... I literally learned how to read with Fishing Books and Field Guides..... Other than the Mackerel, we snagged a At Thread Herring and a Menhaden..... We fished bait on the bottom in 3 different spots, we cast to a bait ball in the Ocean, and we rode out to the Shoals... The wind was terrible... I am SO SORRY GUYS.....They really did a helluva lot better on their own boat before they jumped on mine... That was a definite NC Citation Pompano, a real trophy fish!  Total Catch for the Day: 1 Bullet Mackerel, 1 Atlantic Thread Herring and 1 Menhaden

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