Sunday, July 29, 2012

July 27 Blacknose Sharks Biting Good

This was a weird day. The Ocean was rough this morning. The wind was blowing and it was gray and dreary. We caught 4 dozen live Menhaden and ran to Cape Lookout. We turned the corner and headed to my "second home".... Everyone knows I got a mailbox on Shark Island! Unfortunately, it was completely hostile and the water was muddy. Now I was "in trouble". So we ran all the way back to Beaufort Inlet and had a great session on Blacknose Sharks. We had 14 strikes and released 7 Sharks. Lots of action to make up for a woeful percentage. Sharks are fun, but you can't release them all day! After we left the Sharks, nothing else really worked. All my plans failed. We did catch lots of fish at AR-315, just not anything exciting... I am sorry for running east early and then west! If we would've done it the other way, the day would've turned out better. Anyway, it was still a very interesting day on the water. Total Catch for the Day: 7 Blacknose Sharks up to 25 lbs, 1 infant Blacktip Shark, 25 Croaker, 2 Gray Trout, 1 Bluefish, 1 Pinfish, 3 Hogfish, 1 Inshore Lizardfish, 1 Spottail Pinfish and 14 Black Sea Bass that were all too small.

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