Saturday, July 21, 2012

Weird Stuff and Info Tidbits From Hatteras

Pictures one, two, and three is a Mantis Shrimp. Interesting little Critter. Pictures four and five demonstrate the difference between a Silverside and an Anchovy. Both common bait species and most everyone calls them "shiners". Picture six and of a few of the Squid that I was trying to use as live bait for Flounder. Unsuccessfully..... Picture seven is a rare (for Hatteras) White Sea Urchin. Picture Eight make me wonder...... "Of all damn places TWEETY BIRD, why the hell would you try to sleep in a spot that Ferry's are coming in and out of every hour and then Idiots are taking pictures, catching Urchins, throwing cast nets and dropping baits all around you. All night. Fly away you fool!!!!

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