Monday, August 13, 2012

Aug 13 King Mackerel Fishing

Chris and his crew fished today instead of last night for Red Drum. I hope we made the right decision. We decided to go King Mackerel fishing because I felt we could get a fair number of bites if we really tried.. We headed out about 15 miles South of Beaufort Inlet and the first bait in the water got eaten by a................. Shark! Unfortunately, there would be many more Shark bites in the morning. We did manage to get 3 King Mackerel bite though, and luckily, we caught all three. Everyone in the crew caught one and Chris had the biggest at 25 lbs. Paul and Ben had 14 lb twins. Before we left the area, we dropped bottom rigs down and caught lots more.......    Sharks! Paul lucked into a 25" Gag Grouper though.. After that we ran over to the Cape Lookout Shoals and found......     Sharks! We never stopped however, and finally, on the westside of the Shoals we found acres of breaking Spanish Mackerel and stopped and casted metal lures to them, catching at least 10 Spanish Mackerel up to 2 lbs... Great Day! Total Catch for the Day: 3 King Mackerel up to 25 lbs, 10 Spanish Mackerel up to 2 lbs, 1 Gag Grouper at 24" and 12 Sharpnose Sharks up to 8 lbs 


  1. Way to go like the old days need to go catch a box of puddin heads

  2. Admiral Currin returns to blogosphere after his long exile! Yes Adm Currin, we need to go puddin head fishing.....I can smell the vomit now. And the weed burning

  3. The burning of weed would mean the entire crew was back together (careful what you wish for!) And the vomit is of course the smelly red crabs that Mr Puddin Head always hocks up on you when you unhook him! We definitely need to do it again!
