Saturday, August 25, 2012

Aug 24 The Weatherman trying to Kill Us.....

The Weatherman said 5-10 kt North winds through Monday afternoon. Light seas. That's as good as it gets when the Friday forecast is beautiful through Monday night...... So we loaded up with live Menhaden and hit the Inlet. Damn, where is that wind coming from? Must be off that dark cloud. Local wind burst due to a pressure gradient! WRONG..... It blew 15-18 kts from the NE all damn day. We all know that the East or Northeast wind kills the fishing. Not the light stuff, but 15-18, forget it! So we fished hard, we traveled far, we got beat to death. And the final tally was........ A Grouper. A Grunt. A Shark. A Black Sea Bass. Two Bluefish. And a very unusual Red Drum..... Making matters worse, I lost a large African Pompano after a fairly long struggle. Hooks pulled, and I and him solid on a big 7/0 J hook and 125# leader. Should've been DEAD ASS. Nope, not on this day! The highlight of the day was a 40 lb+ Barracuda making sashimi out of my Jumbo Sea Bass, but that was surpassed when I cleaned George's fat 27", 10 lb Red Drum..... In the Drums belly were 6 entire 4" Gulp White Shrimp, a 5" Lime Green Gulp Jerk Shad, and 7 other significantly large parts of other Gulp Baits. Unbelievable. Total Catch for the Day: 10 lb Red Drum, 8 lb Gag Grouper, 2 lb White Grunt, 1 Black Sea Bass, 2 Bluefish and a 7 lb Sharpnose Shark

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