Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sept 9 Best Pond Fishing in North Carolina

Brandon, Branson, Chris and I hit a Private Pond in Eastern Carteret County that I would put up against any Pond in North Carolina. Fishing this place is an opportunity that I will never turn down. Last April, we bombarded the White Perch and caught 80 total with 18 being big enough for an NC Freshwater Fishing Citation...... This morning, the White Perch fishing was not as good as last time, but it was still VERY GOOD and we had lots of other interesting fish to catch as well. Branson and I each caught a White Bass. A first for me and a complete suprize. We also caught many land-locked Red Drum, Croaker, and Pinfish. For big fish excitement, we had lots of action from Longnose Gar but we never landed any of them. We also had a 13 ft Alligator nearby that  added the threat of death to our adventure. That always arouses the senses and makes survival all the more exhilarating! During one stretch, I made 12 straight casts with a Worden's Roostertail Spinner and caught a White Perch or a Red Drum on every cast. The Red Drum seemed very healthy and each one had a beautiful copper color and reddish fins...At the end of the afternoon, we had a huge pile of awesome fish fillets. White Perch is absolutely the best freshwater fish that I've ever eaten. Brandon and his family will be eating good tonight! Total Catch for the Day: 60 White Perch up to 14", 25 Red Drum up to 16", 2 White Bass up to 14", 20 Croaker and 8 Pinfish


  1. Rl po2nd. 1 cast 8 pounder your first. Cast 1990

  2. RL pond. July 4, 1990. Big Bass. Not alot of variety. No hungry alligator. No cast iron skillet full if perch fillets at the end of the day

  3. Is that at open ground farms?
