Thursday, October 11, 2012

Oct 10 Here Comes the Flounder Brigade

Frank stayed up with me tonight from start to finish and the fishing was pretty good. At the end of the night, we were both disappointed that neither of us landed a "big fish". To the contrary, the average size of the Flounders was much smaller tonight and we each released an undersized Flounder as well. We were really hampered by too much NW wind and dirty water, but they was enough Flounder bites tonight keep things interesting and there is always a good shot at a NC Citation Flounder...... So we were pysched up and fishing tension was running high!  Also tonight, I went off with my gig and light and walked 500 yards of shoreline, but the water was too dirty to see the bottom in water much over knee deep. I saw a couple Flounder, including one that I missed with the gig. I also saw a few Red Drum, so I knew they were headed our way... So when I rejoined Frank at the Ferry Dock, I had just told him that I saw a few Red Drum, and at that very instant, I had a bite.... Of course, I caught a 16" Red Drum. Frank and I each caught an Oyster Toadfish. Back to ther Flounders, Frank caught 5 and I caught 4. So he wins the daily Flounder Trophy. At the end of the night, it was fun and it was worth it. Somebody has a lot of Flounder fillets to eat! Total Catch for the Night: 7 Southern Flounder up to 20", 2 Summer Flounder up to 20", 16" Red Drum, 2 Oyster Toadfish up to 3lbs and 1 Silver Perch


  1. Man, do you ever sleep?!?!

  2. In the immortal words of Swiss Heavy Metal band Krokus, I "Stayed Awake All Night"

  3. Thanks for finally writing about > "Oct 10 Here Comes the Flounder Brigade" < Loved it!
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