Sunday, October 7, 2012

Oct 6 Bluefish Blitz

Tod and his girl came from far away. From St. Louis and Colorado respectively. To get away from it all. So far away they were actually sequestered away at the Core Creek Lodge. That's hidden, son. I picked them up stealthily from the dock under the Core Creek Bridge. To continue with the "top secret theme", I was actually hidden in the SS Tugwell... No one knew who we were, where we were, or what we were doing...... For kicks, we ran to the Cape Lookout Shoals and bombarded Bluefish on metal. Every cast at Shark Island. There were some Spanish Mackerel around as well, but the shear numbers of Bluefish made it hard to catch the Mackerel. I lucked into a 2lb Spanish Mackerel in the middle of a Bluefish melee. We had a great Boat Ride, saw lots of Fish, saw lots of Dolphins and had a successful trip...... Total Catch for the Afternoon: 15 Bluefish up to 2lbs, a 2lb Spanish Mackerel and 1 At Thread Herring

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