Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Jan 29 Red Drum and Bluefish Super Bowl

Tuggy and I hadn't fished since October? Damn time is flying by! So today was a beautiful day and I needed to get away from the problems on LAND and I needed to get out in the water and lose myself in the Beauty of  the Ocean and the Challenge of Fishing..... Tuggy was more than ready to join me! So we headed out Beaufort Inlet, turned our bow towards the East, and pushed up the throttle! GLORIOUS........ Then we dipped into a wave and a wall of 49 degree water blasted us in the face! WTF are we doing! So much to do at home and here we are wasting money and time and suddenly wet and cold. MISERABLE.... Then we talked it over and continued (slower and carefully) to the East.... The first challenge we encountered was multiple schools of a mystery Mackerel species... Very similar to last years highly annoying and challenging Bullet Mackerel invasion at Cape Lookout.... So, to get a quick glimpse and cast metal approximately 10 times with lots of running and chasing (high level of annoyance) these fish were either At Mackerel, baby Albacore, or increasingly common Bullet Mackerel? Tuggy actually hooked one and fought it long enough to get cocky...... But his rod tip went "ping" after an intense 2 minute battle. Pulled hooks. I do know that Bullet Mackerel and At Mackerel both have weak jaw bones and are a tough combination of hard fighters and soft mouths. Hard to Hook and Easy to Lose. Not to mention their absolutely uncanny ability to change directions whenever your lure is "in the air"... These damn things are the absolute Definition of Fishing ANNOYANCE... Hell I am getting MAD just thinking about them...... After we gave up on that, we quickly found plenty of Red Drum and Bluefish and a scattering of other assorted fish. Two hours later we were headed home with a great catch and a great time... Red Drum score was 7 to 7. Tuggy will quickly tell you that his stingsilver was producing bigger Drum than my speck rig. Therefore before we left I tied on a stingsilver and quickly caught Mary Lee. Not the Great White Shark, but the largest Red Drum in the school. Hey Tuggy, you were right!  Total Catch for the Day: 14 Red Drum from 17" to 28", 40 Bluefish up to 2 lbs, 5 Black Sea Bass up to 14", 1 Gag Grouper at 18", 1 Hogfish, and 3 small Sheepshead


  1. My 6th Drum fought like Mary Lee. Tuggy didn't like it. The mystery mackerel made today look like an epic FAIL. The Red Drum bailed us out

  2. My life story....there I was, and once I was ahead.... My Mackeral was a epic fail, almost as bad as the GAINT TUNA I broke off and dislocated my arm while in your presence!


  3. That Tuna weighed 1500 pounds I don't care what anyone says. It was a bad time Twell. You wriggling on the deck like Lizardfish..... $200 worth of braid and top shot gone..... Pussy Monsters defective rig about to get hammered..... Seas building...... Winds rising...... But we came through like the fishermen that we are.... Just like yesterday we snatched victory out of the jaws of defeat!

  4. Jan. 2013. 6 Sheepsheads and 3 Tautogs...... Black Sea Bass, Bluefish, Red Drum..... More than just Dog Sharks.... I'm satisfied.....

  5. You know that day after I lost that bastard and you broke the crimp off the Pussy monsters rig I knew it was over, and with a bait out by mistake we get eaten! Awesome day, poor execution to start with with a great finish!


  6. Twell,

    Hard to rank the fish..... Bluefish, Red Drum, Sheepshead..... Fried to a crisp..... They were all equally delicious.

    Ready for a Bluefin. Raw. Wasabi and Soy. Every cat in the neighborhood shadows my every move.

    Make it happen.


  7. Sheepshead fried crisp! Whats wrong with you, Mr. "I dont kill a Sheepshead Under 5 Pounds"???? Change of heart? Hongry?
