Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Ides of January

Damn if it aint the 15th of January already.... Crazy how time flies. I'm back at Hatteras and this time I've got the 430am run..... Hopefully I will be able to go fishing up this way before I come back home. Hopefully back up at Va Beach. The Striped Bass and Bluefin Tuna are biting. Hatteras has King Mackerel and Blackfin Tuna..... Other than that, I saw a sight today that I've never seen before.... In Hatteras Inlet, I saw an acre of water explode with Atlantic Mackerel. Nice ones. I'd guess 1-3 pounders. Beautiful. I'd love to have casted a tiny stingsilver into that fray..... Also, this morning I caught around 100 Squid. First of this winter. I didn't have my rod and squid jig so I simply tossed a cast net and caught them all! Now I gotta go out and clean them...... What the hell was I thinking? *** UPDATE*** Okay, I guessed 100 Squid..... Wrong! Because I just cleaned 60 Squid and bagged 120 Squid! Amend that catch to 180 Loligo Squid. That is some high quality C A L A M A R I baby!

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