Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March 19 Hickory Shad Fishing

Capt Tuggy took my up Pitch Kettle Creek today for some World Renowned Light Tackle Fishing. Tuggy has been fishing the River, the Creek, and the Swamp for 25+ years and he knows every Cypress Knob and Stump. It was amazing for him to point to a spot and guarantee a bite. Then I would cast and, BINGO, a bite would happen. Tuggy really is the Master of Pitch Kettle! Overall the fishing was a little slow, but steady. Between the 2 of us we caught 52 Hickory Shad including a couple of monsters. We had 12 fish that were 14" and larger that were big enough for a NC Freshwater Citation. My largest fish was 17" and weighed 2 lb 9 oz. Tuggy's biggest was 17" and 2 lb 7 oz. Tuggy also released a Largemouth Bass. The first I've seen caught while Shad fishing. Total Catch for the Day: 52 Hickory Shad up to 2 lb 9 oz and 1 Largemouth Bass

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