Thursday, April 11, 2013

April 11 Carpe Diem...... Seize the Day

The Grass Carp. A Giant Minnow. Incredibly popular in Europe. It's one fish that is readily availiable, widely spread, and grows to large size.... That I never really tried to catch until I found a huge population of 10-20 lb fish a few years ago.... To those fish, I dedicated about 40 hours, or many a morning or afternoon of fishing.... Honestly, I would've been better off asleep. I NEVER say that! These damn things were the exception. They were the most frustrating, annoying, aggravating fish that I've ever encountered.. They burned me out and I gave up and since it was late Spring, I turned my attention to the Salt Water.... I figured that I'd get after them again at some point in the future... Then came Hurricane Irene and the Pond with all the Carp flooded. I know some Carp were found in the ditch by Hwy 12 after the storm. Not sure what happened to the rest but, I have not seen any Carp in that Pond since the Hurricane. Sadly, I assume that all those humongous Carp perished in the salty water.... So I gave up on Carp.... ************************************************ ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** **************************************************************************         Then I found a new spot with some Carp. I tossed some bread to a Carp. One of the Carp then charged the bread and KA-BOOM..... I'm in business! Well, y'all know me. The next piece of bread I tossed had a hook in it. Wham. Bam. Fish on. Smoking run. Then a 180 degree turn. Another smoking run..... Really, where was he going? Anyway I soon released a 7 lb Carp. I quickly rebaited, looked around and saw no one. Cast again and another Carp charged. I set the hook and this one jumped 3 times completely out of the water. I landed him and fumbled for my camera. Set the timer and took a self portrait. **************************************
********Oh well, Mission Accomplished. Total Catch for the Day: 2 Grass Carp up to 7 lbs 


  1. Hell yea, carp are a blast. Had one surprise me and demolish a super spook jr a few years ago in May while bass fishing. Bottomed out the boga. Missed another that day and never had one strike an artificial lure since.

  2. 6 for 6 with two triples tonight son. LIKE A BOSS!


  3. TWell,

    you are my hero. You are the G O A T

  4. Why is Twell a goat. he eat paper and pee all over everything?

  5. GOAT means Greatest Of All Time...... Duh
