Saturday, April 27, 2013

April 27 One More Day of Surf Fishing

That's it, I quit. I fished enough this week. Surf Fishing beats you up. Beats up your Tackle. Beats up your truck. I'm over it. There had been some 2-3 pound Bluefish caught recently. This morning I went after them. I picked a spot on the North side of The Point early this morning. Fishing was slow.... Trucks filled in the entire area. Then about 100 yards north of me the Bluefish started biting. Not long, maybe 10 minutes. Not many, maybe 25 Bluefish. Fishermen in a very small area caught them... I was hoping they would spread up the Beach but they didn't. Then it was over. And I was "over it"... I did catch 7 Blowtoads. That was it. I lost 6 hours of sleep for 7 Blowtoads. Sheesh. I give up..... Total Catch for the Day: 7 Northern Puffer


  1. Thanks, at least the pics came through today. All else failed

  2. Capt Mary,

    Going for a short vacation to ocracoke this coming week and plan to visit Hatteras one afternoon. Where would you recommend us to have dinner at Hatteras?
