Wednesday, May 29, 2013

May 29 The HIGHS and LOWS of Cobia Fishing

Almost an Epic Day. We released 7 Cobia and a huge Sharksucker. All on bucktails. We pulled off a 40 lb Cobia first thing. Much later, and 50 miles later, we broke off a 75 lb Cobia. In the unbelievable department, we also found a 6 foot Sailfish a mile off the Beach. Armed with nothing but a Bucktail, I cast it in his direction. So then in plain sight, the Sail flashed from black to purple, raised his Sail and rushed my Bucktail. After putting his right eye right beside my bait, he violently swung his bill against the Bucktail. Still in plain sight, my leader wrapped around the fishes bill. Then he gaped his mouth open and charged the Bucktail... Unfortunately, my leader being wrapped around the bill, so the fishes mad rush gained no ground on the Bucktail because it was already hung on his bill! So, I tightened up my line and briefly came tight! Once again, in plain sight, the Sailfish flicked his bill again and the Bucktail unwrapped from its precarious hold. Again the Sailfish turned on the Bucktail. For a second, he actually bit the Bucktail. Feeling nothing but lead, he quickly dropped it and turned on a dime and started back towards the baitball. I made another cast, hoping for a mad rush and a hard bite, but this time he ignored it.... If only I'd had a swimbait tied on, I honestly think it would've been one for the ages... A Sailfish caught sight casting, a mile off the Beach, in May for crying out load. But, like the rest of the day, it was very close to being a GREAT day.... In the end, it was a beautiful day where we saw lots of Leatherback Turtles, lots of Cobias, lots of Sharks, and a Humpback Whale. I may be judging myself too harshly. My last memory was that of an "empty cooler"..... Total Catch for the Day: 7 Cobia from 27" to 31" and a Sharksucker at 34"


  1. Happy Birthday, Marty!!! It sounds like you gave your party a day they will never forget! You are not only the best boyfriend but a captain who gives his all to everybody! I love you!!!


  2. Good deal on the Cobia Captain. I may give them another run this weekend.

  3. Jennifer I could only imagine some of the stories that you hear from him....Bless your heart!



  4. Ah Darling, that was sweet.. Hopefully you never let a Cobia escape through any fault of yours ( or mine or an act of God) cause I will act foolish for 10 seconds then feel horrible about it. I'm scared you'll break up with me. Silly little Brown Fish aren't worth it....Thanks to everyone. Lets hope good fishing happens to us all

  5. T-well,

    You ain't exactly a walk in park yourself. You bloodthirsty barbarian. Chased Miss NC off for a double limit of Striped Bass


  6. You left out the most important detail when you obnoxiously chased another boat down near the Cape that was hooked up with either a cobe or turtle so you could cast on it to try to get your glory shot. Nice work crowding the boat and eventually cutting their line off. Doesn't matter about the other fisherman though since you got to catch another rat. Way to go again Capt Jackass

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  8. Another Internet know it all-tough guy. Maybe you are, but you aren't anonymous as you think. I have your IP address right now and name. Therefore my advice to you is get your own Blog and criticize and call names all you want. In the meantime enjoy the fame of reading the stupidity of your words on my Blog.

    And oh yeah, T-well sorry about causing you lose your Turtle man. Since there was 2 leatherbacks there, I didn't realize you had let yours run off 200 yards of line. Evidently some other crybaby ass fisherman out there though I disrespected and pushed you off a "Cobia" or "off your turtle"... I am truly sorry. I honestly thought that was "my" turtle since I got to it first and only lost it when we caught 2 cobias off it... But that's not true, actually I AM MARTY MOORE AND ALL THE TURTLES AND ALL THE FISH ARE MINE. I am Neptune, King of the Sea. And this is my BLOG so I can say it and laugh and delete anything that I don't like.

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  11. To set the story straight. Marty and I knew what was going yesterday between the two boats. You whining morons are prob the same idiots that came up there and ran the fish all over. Yes I let line off on the turtle, I had 3 fucking cobia on and the turtle was the last thing on my mind. Meanwhile while some parker in a damn pilot house come over like a tard. Yes we, no I hooked the turtle and yes I lost a bucktail because during all the ruckess I didn't worry about a turtle with a swimming with a bucktail wrapped in his front fin. One I started gaining line and was attempting to get Marty back on the cobia that he had put me on originally. Prob one of the same morons that follow us day in and day out.... Marty our two boats caught more in those 10 minutes then this fella did all season. as far as the bucktail that was my payback for the 90 pounder I beat of the gaff last day. Even score, kiss my ass if ya don't like it.

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