Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Headed Home

Here I sit on the 730am Ocracoke-Cedar Island Ferry. One of these days I'm going to figure up how many hours I've spent on these things. Scary, as in "scare you to death".... Back in April of 1992, I took a job as a deckhand on this Ferry Run. I believe it was April 8, 1992. I was stationed that shift at Ocracoke. That night after I got off work was the first time I ever set foot on Ocracoke Island. Later that summer, I bought my first 4 WD Pick-up Truck so I could "fish effectively"... My thoughts at that time were "I'm going to work here ONE SUMMER".... Fish every day on my Off Week, fish every free minute on my On Week in exotic (for me) settings..... One Summer..... Here I sit, 21 years later.... Still fishing every spare minute. 21 years of fishing at least 125 days per year, sometimes fishing 250 days per year.... Trying to be resonanble, if I fish for an hour, I consider that I FISHED THAT DAY.... Certainly I haven't put in 250 12 hour fishing days.... Y'all get my drift. The Ferry Career allowed my to FISH and FISHING lead me to the Ferry. Lots of great days. Lots of great catches. Lots of fun.....

Ahead this week, it looks like a windy, sloppy Bermuda High week. The SW wind will beat you and wet you, but fishing is generally good. I'm hoping for less than 15kts and 2-3 ft seas..... Probably gonna be more and more.... Hopefully Wednesday and Thursday bring great catches... I'm probably gonna shut it down after that. Monday I have another half day with a great client that I haven't seen in years. Please let the weather be good! Good luck to everyone who reads this and I hope to see you out there!

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