Monday, August 12, 2013

Aug 11 Poor Red Drum Fishing

The fishing was pretty slow where we were fishing. We did have a front row seat for Mother Nature's Greatest Lightshow.... Off to the west, and northwest, we watched a Giant Lightning Storm. The sky was just like a strobe light... We watched in awe as the cloud ceiling on the horizon shrank and shrank......We also witnessed hundreds of ground-stroke lightning strikes and thousands of "across the sky" lightning bolts..  Finally after 90 minutes of nothing, at 915 pm we caught a nice 45" Red Drum... Things were looking better... Then we hit an unexpected doldrum. Around 1015 and 1030, we missed 2 strikes... We also made an amazing catch! We had a 4" Croaker try to swim through the body cavity of a cut Menhaden that we were using for bait... The Croaker got stuck and when we reeled in to check the bait---there he was.... That we never happen again! Hey, if I'm bragging about crap llke that, the fishing couldn't have been good....... Then suddenly the sky overhead became pitch black. The wind went from 10 kts to 20  kts. The Sound was whitecapping. The temperature dropped 10 degrees. Raindrops fell.... And we picked up and ran like scared cock roaches when the lights come on..... Total Catch for the Night: a 45" Red Drum and 1 Atlantic Croaker

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