Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Aug 26 45 minute Red Storm

Nobody but little John Boy will take me fishing.... Oh, I did get a "guilty conscience" offer yesterday that was impossible for me to accept... Anyway, I got the Top Water Boat back yesterday and Jennifer and I went on a shakedown cruise yesterday afternoon. Out for a little swim and hike at Shackleford Banks.... Later, I got anxious and bored. Panicky, to be exact.... And I loaded up some gear and went fishing! Torn between Red Drum and Ladyfish.... I decided on the Red Drum because the reports had been strong! I got a late start and ripped it down to Cedar Island. I was in my spot by 845 and had my first bite at 9pm.... The next 45 minutes were epic! Singles and doubles in rapid fashion. I released Red Drum #9 at 945pm.. Then I pulled one off. Then I missed a bite... And suddenly, that was it. Over. I did release one Red Drum that was a mammy Drum. Bottomed out the 60# BogaGrip. Not by much, but bottom. This one was 55" and a stud. I'm guessing it was 65 lbs. As usual, I had the cell phone camera and no way to do self portraits... That one would've made a nice picture. Tonight's Drum were big ones on average. I call them 40+ pounders.. Good night, felt great to be back in action.... Total Catch for the Night: 9 Red Drum up to 65 lbs


  1. Glad to hear the 55 incher bottomed out the 60lb scales. I caught a 55 X 35 in 2008 and had no scales, but the formula you can use to calculate it said 75lbs. All I know is it was the bigger darn drum I've ever laid my hands on.

  2. Try the Camera+ app for iPhone self timer photos.

    Nice report on those drum, popped a few in the kayak last week across the river.

  3. Back in. August of 2000 I caught a 59x36 Red Drum that weighed 83 lbs on certified scales. I haven't caught a truly giant one since Monday night... In my opinion, 60+ equals a giant Red Drum.

  4. Cap'n you fishing with cut bait? Can you give any more pointers for fishing for the big uns? You just fishing drop offs or what?

  5. Jordan,

    I fish absolutely fresh menhaden or jumping mullet that are frsh within 24 hours. In other words, Mullet can be bought or caught. On the other hand, if I can catch menhaden the same day I'm Drum fishing, then I will use that.... Spot or Croaker will work as well and I've also caught them on live and dead pinfish and Spanish Mackerel heads.... Pretty much if the Red Drum are there, they aren't real fussy... Fresh and oily are the key things.... As far as where and how, I used to fish along the Cedar Island Beach on the 6 to 10 foot shelf... Results were very good. Around 2005, that fishery became a little inconsistent. Nowadays, I fish in Swan Point Channel in 10-14 foot of water and try to find little bottom contours. Fishing is generally good as long as I don't try to go "too early".... Honestly, 1 or 2 or 3 large Red Drum should be a "good fishing trip".... However, I am spoiled by all the nights down there where we caught 10 or more Red Drum. And when I say "or more" I mean a lot more. A whole lot more! Like 30, 40, or 50 Red Drum. Depended on how hard you want to work... Lots of other guys, well known Fishing Guides included, fish the Neuse River exclusively. With great results. In my limited experience over there, all the Shoals and Points in the North side of the River produced better for me. Lighthouse Shoal is my favorite. I guess that's the proper name? I've been there 3 times with Capt Tuggy and the fishing was always great and the "biggest named Guides" were fishing in that area as well... The Down East Guides surely put in an incredible amount of time and run hundreds of trips every Aug/Sept... They love that area and I never, ever see them off the Cedar Island Beach so I guess "great fishing" occurs over vast areas. Living and working where I do I get lots of opportunities to hear many interesting "old tales of commercial fishing"... The old long haul crews back in the 70s and into the 80s used to catch hundreds of thousands of pounds of Adult Red Drum. Places like the Royal Shoals. The sheer numbers of big fish that could potentially be wiped out in one day was staggering... Those days are over. The number of adult Red Drum that are out there in Pamlico Sound, Neuse River, and Pamlico River would probably blow your mind. For that reason, the good fishing can and does occur in many areas and the same time. From the week of the August Full Moon through September... That is the time to collect Red Drum Citations in NC. I know I rambled, I hope I answered your questions

  6. That sounds great captain. I am going to try and give it a go this weekend. I have always fished for them on the south side but think I will be making the switch to the north side this weekend. Thanks for the tips.
