Saturday, August 3, 2013

Aug 3 Hatteras Beach Fishing

This morning I went out chasing rumors.... I was supposed to go out on the Miss Hatteras but this morning I had a few problems and I missed the boat. So, I hit the Beach instead. Supposedly, there was a Bluefish Blitz last night in Hatteras Inlet. So this morning, that's where I went. It all looked good. The tide was rising. The water was clear. Birds were everywhere... But that's where it ended. No fish were seen. No fish were caught..... I cast my stingsilver probably 150 times in 90 minutes..... Nothing..... I did scoop up about 6 dozen Sand Fleas before I left. I also figured there was way too much current down there for bottom fishing. So I drove out to just east of Hatteras Village where I knew there is always a nice slough. I got there at 8am and suprizingly, the tide was falling.. Weird.... Anyway, my first cast I hooked a big Pompano. Holy Toledo, this was my dream fish. The big Pompano throbbed on my line and smoked my drag, heading west and out to sea. I finally stopped him and then turned him towards shore... Silver flashed in the top of a wave. Then the Pompano's yellow tail broke the surface 50 feet away. I looked like I had my trophy and then..... PING...... the hook popped out. Oh My God. This is the worst event of my life (I obviously have a Happy, Carefree Existence) since I blew out my back.... ((Back Back > Lost Pompano))  I do want to clarify that! Anyway, I was stoked with the quick bite and bummed about the lost fish... Maybe I was in a good spot.... Then, in the next 90 minutes I caught 2 Sea Mullet.. Damn. I'm not complaining about catching 2 Sea Mullet.... They are a much sough after food fish....  But, if only I could've got that Pompano... So depressing..... Total Catch for the Morning: 2 Gulf Sea Mullet

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