Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Oct 30- Red Drum Everywhere

Today was a lost cause. It was beautiful. It was warm. I am home. It is THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO FISH.... Mid to late October to mid November is the best inshore fishing of the year, period...... And, we will not get many more days this beautiful weather-wise.... And this morning my back was hurting so bad and was stiff that I simply could not do it.  I was wide awake at 4am. I was up at 7am. I could not get going until 12pm.... I finally launched my boat and rode out to Beaufort Inlet. I knew the Speckled Trout were chewing at Cape Lookout. I briefly considered gong up there by myself. I decided against it. I did decide to search Rough Point for Red Drum.... I didn't get there... I ran over a Giant School of Red Drum  in Beaufort Inlet. A monster school. I had 2 rods up top in the Tower and I quickly hooked 2 fish. I climbed down and released 2 Red Drum, both were in the 20" range. I quickly caught 3 more. All the same size. Then I lost that school. I headed east and didn't go a 1/4 mile before running into another school. Again I hooked 2 from the Tower. Two more Red Drum from 21" to 23". I caught another before I lost them. I considered keeping one, but damn, I just gave away 4 Flounders to a guy at the Boat Ramp. Good Karma. I decided that if I was going to keep a Red Drum, it needed to be big enough to feed two people. I was thinking Red Drum on the half shell, grilled with heavy blackening seasoning.... I looked briefly for a school of larger Drum. I didn't see any and I gave up quickly and headed home. Aching back and hoping for a big day on Halloween! Disn't take many pics, all the Drum looked the same. I tried to get some pics of the school, but I'd get too excited and start fishing... Need to teach Emma to take pics. She is my new "fishing partner". She is a beautiful Yellow Lab that came with Jennifer as a package deal when we got married....Total Catch for the Day: 8 Red Drum from 20" to 23"


  1. I knew I should have followed you today. Said hello apparently just before you caught the drum. (white Sea Hunt, blue T-top)

  2. I wish you had! Who is this? I figured I probably knew you but I didn't recognize the boat.... Plus, I had just seen those Red Drum and I wanted to get back on them Quickly.... Yeah, I had all that action right there... The second school was right beside that anchored up boat and by that Paddle Board Guy....

    I heard it was one school after another all the way down to Bogue Inlet. It was a big day for Red Drum Schools... Hope it holds up because the weather is about to change!

  3. You might know me as ATBob. Think I'll put the wife up on the T-top so we can see those drum. All that come Feb after returning to Boston next week.

  4. Hope those drum didn't get caught in any of the nets strung along the beach....

  5. I already know of hundreds of them that didn't make through there. As a matter of fact, several of the Drum I tossed back had net marks. I am neither an advocate or an opponent of commercial fishing.... But I do believe that commercial pressure on Drum and/or Striped Bass in the Ocean makes them easier to find and catch because it puts them "ON THE RUN".... As far as Drum in the Marsh, I can see where it could devastate small, local populations... But, I'm an Ocean Fisherman so that fight is for others to make....
