Friday, November 22, 2013

Nov 22- The Speckled Trout Show

Made the hike again. Beautiful Weather. My old pal Clifford showed up. Emma had a wonderful time. The Speckled Trout fishing was not nearly as good as the past 2 days. But, by any other standard, the fishing was great. By Radio Island standards, the fishing was OK. I'd guess I caught a Speckled Trout on 1 out of every 7 casts.... I was running my mouth and trying to keep Emma in my area. I could've done better and others did better. But, it wasn't great..... I started about 1130am and I quit around 4pm. So, I got my casts in! Tommorrow, Jennifer and I are headed WEST. I'm looking for a Brown Trout. We are getting away and we are excited! Total Catch for the Day: 75 Speckled Trout from 8" to 13" and 2 Bluefish 

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