Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Nov 27- The Other Trout

I got home from the Mountains just in time to "ride out" Hurricane November, which hit last night and socked it to Morehead City. I drove 550 miles yesterday. We left Cherokee in the Mountains at 1130am in a steady rain and the farther east we drove, the worse the weather got. Honestly, there was not a 100 yard segment of our 550 mile drive yesterday that wasn't raining! We saw probably 80-100 wrecked cars on I-40 and I-85 yesterday. Mostly between Asheville and Durham..... Anyway, by the time we were 5 miles from Home on Hwy 101, it was blowing 60 and raining like Hurricane Floyd. No Joke. No Shit, if that's more dramatic for you... So, this is a Fishing Blog, so who cares? Well, sometimes the passage of Large Fronts and Heavy Rainfall this time of the year can really change fishing patterns... Next month, and beyond, they can actually put an end to inshore fishing until April... So this morning, I was wondering about the Radio Island Trout Fishery. So around lunch time Emma and I walked out there..... My first cast found nothing. "Oh God No, could it be over?"........ My second cast-----bump  bump. Set the hook. Roll and throb..... Hello, Mr Speckled Trout was home! Thank Goodness. It ain't over yet. I caught 5 Speckled Trout in 7 casts. Then I had to leave, but I found out what I needed to know. By 3pm, I made it back out there. This time I casted for 100 minutes. It wasn't "every cast", but it was good enough. A brisk crossing wind made it difficult. You had to pay attention to the Rod Tip. The Trout were down closer to the Fence. They were trapped. Fishing in a Barrel. Total Catch for the Day: 50 Speckled Trout from 8" to 14"


  1. Glad you got home safe we just missed it here at the beach God is good hope you an Gen have a great and joyful Thanksgiving

  2. Glad your good brother. Been a very busy day for us here in Gville. I thought at one point last night I was headed east, but plans do change. Happy thanksgiving to you and your bride.


  3. Thanks Men. It was a great trip but it was a HORRIBLE drive home. We made it and all is well.... Now lets get back to Speckled Trout fishing.

    Tugwell, you and your GF need to get down to MHC and catch up some of those Sp Trout!
