Friday, November 29, 2013

Nov 29- Cold Wind, Dirty Water, and Poor Fishing

Special Thanks to the NOAA Marine Weather Forecast...... Not!  They had a 5-10 kt wind forecast  up last night for Coastal Waters this morning...... Yeah right.. I guess they changed it in the middle of the night..... Bright and early it was blowing 15-20 knots NE and it lasted most of the day. TOO MUCH WIND PLUS THE WORST POSSIBLE WIND DIRECTION! It made for a poor catch. At least it was on a day when it was nice just to get out of the house and get on the water.... Too bad the catch suffered. The water was dirty and that ain't good for Speckled Trout fishing. The sad reality is, we probably could've done much better on foot at Radio Island. The Boat ride was cold and there wasn't any "magic place" to go where the wind wasn't blowing, the water was clean, and the Trout were large and hungry! The Cape Lookout Rock Jetty and the Fort Macon Rock Jetty both sucked. I had Jalen and his brother and father with me and I really wanted to turn those guys onto a Red Drum or Albacore. Especially on Fly Tackle. But, even a decent Speckled Trout bite would've been okay.... But, it wasn't to be. The Weather Guys keep pushing that pretty weather back. Now they are actually calling for Blow Its Ass Off Tomorrow..... Maybe the wind will fallout by Sunday.... I don't believe it. More like Tuesday.... Thanks Weather Guys. My apologies to Jalen and crew. I hate North East Wind. I hate Wind over 15 knots. I hate dirty water. I used to love November Fishing. Here lately, not so much. Radio Island is fun, but it wasn't that long ago that I used to not even smile at a 20" Speckled Trout. Thanksgiving meant 26" Trout and larger. Limits of 6-7 lb Trout, back when the limit was 10.... Where have ALL the GOOD TIMES GONE? The Trout must've watched the weather... They weren't ready for the wind.... They got blown away.... Just like us. Thanks, weather guy. Total Catch for the Day: 17 Speckled Trout from 7" to 15"

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