Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Dec 10- Speckled Trout as Thick as Fleas

Well that "no more fishing in 2013" didn't gain much traction, huh? As soon as I got home from Hatteras, Emma and I hiked out to Radio Island to see what was there.... Lots of interesting stuff... First, I met Sandy Harris coming off the Beach. Sandy is Tugwell's former Boss and Mentor and is a great fisherman. Sandy told me all I needed to hear. "Every cast and 100 Trout".... Same ole thing and exactly what I wanted to hear. So, Emma and I walked down there and fished until the wind and rain chased us away. I made 15 casts. I had 22 bites. I caught 8 Speckled Trout. Emma ate one unfortunate Trout. Total Catch for the Day: 8 Speckled Trout from 10" to 12"


  1. One thing I've learned over the years is that Capt Marty doesn't fib on his posts. Hell, I've been with him many times that he even post correct numbers of less wanted fish we caught. Says alot about his character.

  2. Liar meant:

    He said he won't going to fish NO MORE in 2013

    Ha. Ha.

    He'll be at the Mung Hole in the next couple days

    Wanna bet?
