Friday, December 6, 2013

Dec 6- The Good Fishing Ends in the Heavy Surf

What a difference a day makes.... Yesterday's Red Drum Fishing was an absolute pleasure. Today was a little different. It was totally my fault. I drove right by the turn to the Jettys at first light. But I thought I needed to go to my room for a few minutes and I did, I needed to.... Anyway, arriving at the Jettys at 830am, all the guys had their Drum buried in the sand and they were casually casting and talking chit.... IT WAS OVER...... So, I was about 45 minutes late for an early morning Red Drum..... Pretty soon I was the only guy left out there.... The tide was rising and the SW wind was "getting up"... I am continually amazed at the FREAKING POWER of the Hatteras Island Surf. A knee high wave will LEVEL YOU. Today's surf was freaking raging and incredibly strong. The rising tide intensified the wave action. Four foot breakers sounded like cannons being fired and knee deep wading was highly dangerous. Incredible. The fishing sucked, but I was reluctant to quit. I said "10 more casts" at least 5 times. It was all a waste of time..... I was too late. So, I fished 3 places, fished for 90 minutes, and cast at least 50 times too many! This afternoons Low Tide is my next shot.... Honestly, hopefully, I'll sleep through it.... Total Catch for the Day: ZILCH

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