Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Jan 1- First Fish of 2014

I got up yesterday and hung out with Jennifer. We went out to eat breakfast and we got caught in a Logjam of Pork Bellies and Waffles and Eggs..... It took an hour to eat, damn. Then I had to drive to Hatteras because I missed the Ferry. Drive 4 hours and 20 minutes. Then I had to go to work for 12 hours and 30 minutes. So this morning, at 545am, I was very very sleepy. BUT, there was a Shark Phenomenon yesterday at Cape Point.... So instead of sleeping, I headed up to Buxton to....#1 buy the new Beach Permit for 2014 @ $120   #2 go fishing and see some crazy Shark action..... Even if I'm not rigged up for it, I still wanted to see it. Also, if and when my pal Zack showed up, he was going to hook me up. Okay, Sacrifice Sleep to go Fishing. Not exactly a New Concept in my Life..... Anyway, Zack never showed up. He texted me and I quote: "I font no ware im at".... Well, it sounds like Zack had a fun night..... Now to the Beach and the Fishing. As I pulled up on the Hallowed Sand of Cape Point, one of the World's Great Surf Fishing Destinations, I looked around and it was freaking dead. I quickly befriended 3 boys from Asheville that were hard after a "big Shark". They saw yesterday's action and they even claimed to have caught a Mako Shark yesterday. (Highly Unlikely, Nearly Impossible, but I have learned that I'm usually wrong) Anyway, anything is possible here in winter when the 70 degree water licks the sand.... But today..... It was dead. No Sharks. No Red Drum. No Flounder. Just a few Skates and Dogsharks..... Damn I was a day late as usual.... Very disappointing and I yearned for my bed and pillow! But since I'm here I just as well make a couple casts..... Second Cast Baby... Wham Bam.... I'm the King of the Beach! I rod twitched, I set the hook, my rod bowed deeply and throbbed.... Line slipped off my reel. Then I quickly gained the upper hand and brought this mysterious fish toward the sand.... Suddenly a 19" Summer Flounder was deposited by my feet by a receding wave. I looked left and then right. Every set of eyeballs on that Beach were staring at me! Of course, 200 casts later and I gave up with 1 Flounder and I released a small Black Drum.... Also, my neighbors, the boys from Asheville, hooked up a monster Shark. He crashed their bait and charged the Beach. Then he came flying by where I was standing and he kept swimming to the Southwest. Unfortunately, we really needed a Boat for this one, to chase him down. Seven minutes after hooking up the boy's reel was down to the last couple wraps as 400 yards of 30# mono hummed in the light wind. Then the line went pop, at the hook. At least he got his line back so he could keep fishing. On that note, I left and headed home. With my Flounder. I'm sure the fish are biting now, especially since I'm in my room. But this morning, I was the King of the Beach! Total Catch for the Day: 1 Summer Flounder at 2 lb 12oz and 1 Black Drum at 10"


  1. Hey Marty, It's Them Three Guys From The Point The Other Day. Hope You're Doing Well. You Missed Out, About En Minutes After You Left We Landed About A 4 Ft Sandbar Shark. But Next Time You Head Up To The Mountains Hollar And We Will Put You On Some Nice Brown Trout. Happy New Year Bud!

  2. Hey Thomas. Im glad you posted a comment man. I should've gave y'all a card.... When you get a chance, shoot me a text to 252-241-8350 with your phone number. Also, make sure you guys give me a call the next time yall head to Hatteras.

    I hate I missed that Sandbar Shark. I really would've liked to have seen the one before that. That was a big MOFO....

  3. Also,

    Just wanted to say:

    On Fridays at the Ferry Dock we always have Fried Shrimp.... Today, me and Capt Lee showed up with hose Flounder Fillets.... Sherry fried them up for us and.... I will say that was the fattest and tastiest damn Flounder that I've ever had. Lunch today was freaking AWESOME....

    The weather sucks.. Its cold as hell and the wind is howling... I am dying to get back out there! I want a BLACK DRUM dammit!

  4. Fried Shrimp

    Fried Flounder



    Where can I sign up for this?
