Monday, February 10, 2014

Feb 10-12 Back to Work in time for the BLIZZARD of 2014

The weeks fly by........ Here I sit, back in my room at Hatteras. Seems like I just did this! Hell, I took a job with the Ferry Division in April of 1992. For ONE SUMMER. And I'm still here! Endless Summer. Sure don't seem like it. Back then, cold wasn't cold and fishing was good 11 months of the year. My how times have changed....

Anyway, without getting nostalgic, I see another Winter Storm Warning is posted... All I wish for is TO PLEASE LET ME BE HOME for one of these events... I'd love to play and frolic with my WIFE (and animals) for once....

Now that its over, we did get 6"-8" snow here at Cape Hatteras. It was a beautiful event. During the height of the Blizzard, a few guys were FLAT OUT SMOKING the Red Drum in the surf directly across from the Hatteras Ferry Facility... We were tied up due to iced up Ferry Decks and I had my chance to go wallop them..... But, I can't believe this, but..... This was THE FIRST TIME since I came up here in November of 2002 that I didn't bring a rod and reel with me..... As I watched a grizzled Hatterasman haul his 8th, 9th, and 10th Drum off the Beach, I briefly considered going to the Pelican's Roost and buying a new rod-n-reel.... Unfortunately, I needed Waders too.... I decided against it. Damn it. In my crappiest fishing winter since 1987, a Red Drum Frenzy during a Blizzard is a Major Major Major Failure in Capt Marty's Book. 

A few pictures from around Hatteras Village since I couldn't go Drum Fishing. FYI: The Big Tahuna and Capt Kenny kick arse offshore at Hatteras Inlet

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