Saturday, March 1, 2014


Dear Fishing Fanatics,

I am sorry for not giviniwg you guys anything to follow so far this winter. Not so long ago, the winter fishing season was fantastic,'.  Sadly, the Red Drum never showed up in the Ocean down at Cape Lookout. No Albacore showed up nearshore this winter. The Speckled Trout? Everyone knows that story. Striped Bass are History and honestly may be in need of another moratorium. Beaufort Inlet's Bluefin Tuna have been extinct for 7-10 years.... Damn this is depressing as Hell..... Quite honestly, I never even found any Dog Sharks this winter.. It's been as Bleak as I can ever remember. Thank goodness for those Red Drum in the surf at Hatteras. As a matter of fact, fishing at Hatteras has been good this winter for lots of stuff... Hopefully, with Spring right around the corner and water temps soon to be on the rise, the fish are coming and will spread out up and down the NC coast. Hungry and Aggressive. It's been a long cold winter.. Thanks for hanging in there with me and hopefully there will be quite a few pictures of Hickory Shad, Atlantic Bonito, Bluefish, Cobia, and Smiling Faces in the near future.....

Thanks again,

Capt Marty

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