Monday, March 17, 2014

March 17- Weather Concerns and MAY Open Dates

I getting my bags packed to go home. I got a big week scheduled. Some "pretty important" Hickory Shad Fishing and a regular day of fishing out of Beaufort Inlet. I'm concerned about the Shad Fishing. The Rivers have been at Flood Stage and we are getting more rain and it looks like even more tomorrow. That's not good. I've got a tough judgement call to make very soon..... Why can't it be sunny, warm, and windy today, tomorrow, and wednesday? Dry this place out! The THRILL of the second Monkfish is fading.... It's time to catch some fish. Past time. I just need a break from the Weather Gods. March Madness for me is staring at the Rain fall and worrying about missed opportunities.....

Also, My Open Dates for May are now posted..... COBIA FISHING TIME which has recently evolved into our MOST POPULAR and SOUGHT AFTER INSHORE GAMEFISH on the NC COAST

As always, break the BOAT RECORD (94 lbs) and get a FREE Half Day Trip

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