Monday, April 14, 2014


Right this minute I am sitting by a fire pit on Morrow Mountain so this report is going to brief... It will pack some "WOW FACTOR" though..... So this morning I fished the Pee Dee River with Robbie Burr and needless to say, Robbie is everything the Internet says he is...... Nowadays, that's a mighty fine compliment! My 4 hours was spent catching White Shad and Blue Catfish. In the first hour, I equalled my previous "lifetime" total of White Shad with Robbie. Between the two of us, we caught 8 Shad from 2-4 lbs each. Good eating I said..... Catfish bait Robbie said......  After we left the Shad, Robbie put out a spread of cut Shad baits and 10 minutes later I was holding a 42 lb Blue Catfish. Routine. It takes a 70 lber to excite this Captain. Meanwhile THIS CAPTAIN was texting Columbo as fast as I could..... The next 2 hours saw a slow, but steady parade of 28 lb to 35 lb Blue Cats.... I needed one for my campfire meal, but I needed a 10 pounder.... Robbie assured me that we'd get one. Sure enough, last spot and our last bite and I catch a 12 lb Blue Catfish that was our dinner guest tonight at Morrow Mountain State Park! Total Catch for the Day: 7 Blue Catfish from 12 to 42 lbs each and 8 White Shad from 2 to 4 lbs each

1 comment:

  1. I had catfish at the Sandpiper Sunday. It was very good.
