Friday, April 4, 2014

April 4- Red Drum in the Cape Lookout Surf

Early this morning I got invited over to Cape Lookout so Buddy could prove to me that a Hickory Shad could be caught in the surf on Fly Tackle in Carteret County! I had seen the pictures, but I wanted.... I needed.... I yearned to see this with my own two eyes.... So, this morning, I grabbed my waders and we made the 10 minute run over to the Eastern Beach. We anchored up and we walked over to the Ocean. Well, Buddy threw his fly 250 times and found no takers.. After watching the first 25 casts failed, I struck out to the south looking for a fishy-looking slough that might hold a Drum or two... What I found was one pretty slough after another. They all looked good! I'd cast a few times and then walk some more..... I look at this Beach all the time from the water. It looks completely different from foot back out to sea.....Anyway, eventually a slough formed parallel to the Beach. Here, after a half mile walk, I saw a flash and a roll of reddish gold. I backed off and made a cast. Bingo. After a long give and take battle on 8# spin, I finally slipped my hand under a 24" Red Drum. Buddy heard my "Whoops and Ahhhh Ooooo Ahhhhssss" and started walking my way. When he got there, I got the go ahead to catch his Red Drum, or "our limit". I quickly hooked up another Red Drum. After landing him and snapping a pic I asked Buddy why he wasn't casting.... "Because I had a Cownose Ray failure" he replied... What? Evidently, Buddy had snagged a Cownose and wasn't quick enough to realize what was happening. His attempt to pop the leader actually popped the connection from Fly Line to his Backing.... Ouch.... Somewhere out in the Ocean there's a Cownose Ray dragging around $169 worth of fly line behind him. That was it. OVER..... Total Catch for the Day: 2 Red Drum at 24" each


  1. Swindell Robbins used to catch them (American and Hickory Shad) off the Morehead Ocean Pier in spring.

  2. Sorry for the miss-direction. I thought I'd make it back over there and exploit that school again. I never did......
