Saturday, June 14, 2014

June 14- Decent Wreck Fishing

I suspect that the fishing fell off a little bit after the full moon last night. The tide was running hard, even 10 miles off the Beach. It was also rough early. Made for tough conditions and that worked to our advantage in a weird way..... This morning, it seemed like there were 5-6 boats racing to the Hutton. Sensing that the Top Water Boat was the slowest in the bunch, I made a decision to fish at the less popular Soluide Wreck instead. It paid off handsomely. As a few others struggled, we did pretty damn good. Chris and Ryan caught the typical Amberjacks and Grouper, but they also dropped a pair of Cobia on the deck as well. Total Catch for the Day: 4 Amberjack up to 30 lbs, 2 Cobia at 33" and 20 lbs, 1 Gag Grouper at 25", 1 Blacktip Shark at 8 lbs, and 1 At Sharpnose Shark at 9 lbs

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