Monday, June 16, 2014

June 16- Stood Up and Smacked Down

The TITLE doesn't tell the whole truth.... In reality, I was very disappointed and aggravated this morning..... Lots of confusion with 2 different groups of clients. Both from Ohio. Both staying at Emerald Isle. To make a long story short, yesterdays group got in their full day even though one guy was confused about whether we were fishing Sunday or Monday... He got left behind unfortunately. I apologize for that! Today's group, I thought was a father-son group, and I thought we were all set to fish a half day...... Therefore, I left the Top Water Boat in the water, gassed it up at 4.50 per gallon instead of the 3.60 up here at Wilco by my house. And.... I told Stacy to go home and "see you in the morning"..... In other words, I sent my help home. So then last night at 10pm, I get a text saying "We can't/ain't going tomorrow because everyone isn't here yet"...... What? I'm POed, but I understand. it's my fault. I should "firm up" these commitments and the way to do it is a $200 Deposit.... So, I get up this morning and it's the Absolute Prettiest Day in some time..... The boats in the water. Its already a hot day with plenty of sunshine and NO WIND! I've got some ice cold water in the cooler. Plenty of Ice. A bag of fresh dead Menhaden. A full tank of gas.... No clients. Just me..... It seems like a re-run. (A couple weeks ago, I shed my clients and went out and caught a 71 lb Cobia.....)  After a little debate with myself, I pulled away from the dock and headed for the Inlet. My initial plan this morning was ride out and look for the "Misquito Fleet".... The small Shrimp Trawlers that like to work east of Beaufort Inlet in July and August.... When they are out there doing daylight drags, the SHARK FISHING can be the Greatest that you'll ever see! That was my plan. Go bombard the Sharks. So I stuck my head out Beaufort Inlet and a miracle happened. To my left in the clear shallow water that WAS Shackleford Banks just a few months ago (Erosion has changed this landscape pretty damn drastically), I see a giant Leatherback Turtle struggling against the tide. Two things immediately stood out to me. One was about 50 lbs. The other was about 70 lbs. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that Mr Turtle was in place that he couldn't escape my vision. In other words, diving wasn't going to help this one, there was nowhere to go. So, I crept up there and tossed my bucktail. Amazingly, not just 2 Cobia but about 6 of them suddenly appeared. As fate would have it, the biggest one ate my bucktail and darted off to the east. I reached over and grabbed a second rod. Made a cast and hooked another. Here comes stupid, this never works out but I always try. Clamoring down on deck, I found another rod with a bucktail on it and cast it too. Nothing happened here but rod #1 quickly got my attention because the whine of the old Penn reel had stopped and I had no idea what this fish was doing.... As I picked it up and reeled frantically, I happened to notice Rod and Reel #2 was looking rather un-natural in it's bend, just as I came tight on Fish #1, I see that Rod #2 in now bucking to the same beat as my 250 HP Suzuki which was left clutched ahead. Okay, now I've got one Cobia on and another Cobia somewhere out there but his line rolling up the propeller. Great. Mr Turtle is making it to the deep water and I'm Dead in the Water. Outboard tilted up, Cobia #2 is now officially Gone and left me with at least 100 yards of line in my wheel..... Cobia #1 is now hauling ass to rejoin his Turtle Squadron.... I say "to hell with it" and put the motor down and pursue my fish.... Finally, a half mile away down off Shackleford Banks, I catch up to him, get him to the boat, and gaff him. He promptly bends my gaff, bends my hook and falls off. The fight is on, AGAIN........ Amazingly, I win again. I gaff him again and this time, just as I'm pulling him over the gunnel, he twists off the gaff and hits the water. AGAIN. Fighting again. Blood streaming from his flank. I'm going to lose this damn fish. By now, I've got 2 other boats watching my every move and blunder. I wanted to cuss someone out, but it was ALL MY FAULT. I should've had this one. I could've been headed home. Instead, I'm still cutting on my propeller seal. More and More. Deeper and Deeper. Anytime now, I expected to see a Slick Appear and my Lower Unit Lock Up! But No, she held on and the fight waged on. Now I was getting too tired to lift the damn thing. My nerves were frayed. Every thought going through my mind was negative. Then I wondered, hell, what worse could happen? In neutral with the fish straight down and the Engine died.... You ask and you shall recieve. I silently prayed and turned the ignition. Mr Suzuki fired back up thankfully. This might turn out well. Finally, the Cobia rose from the depths again. This time I gaffed him in the head and quickly hauled him over the stern. WOW. There's my MESSED UP COBIA STORY for 2014 and it had a HAPPY ENDING. Thats unusual. I cleaned up and took a quick self-portrait and ran for home.... Here it is 3 hours later and the Top Water Boat is in the yard. I pulled the prop and got a pile of mono off the shaft. Everything looked good. Amazing. The Cobia is 55" long with a 34" girth. I will get a weight later, but probably a gutted weight. (68 lbs gutted, 75 lbs) Anyway, after yesterdays "Last Second Miracle" and today's "Find a PIGGY in 5 minutes", it feels like I am on a nice little ROLL. Let's keep it going. We can't loss momentum! Total Catch for the Day: 1 Cobia at 75 lbs



  2. WTG Capt Marty !!!! You didn't let that fish beat you !!! Keep this roll going for at least another 10 days and we'll put a serious hurtin' on those Lake Erie fish !!!
    Can't wait man....

  3. I frigging hate these "smart phones"


  4. Sorry guys, I typed a nice. , informative comment.....


    And the damn phone dropped it both times. Let's just say Tuna was good. Cobia was good. Headed back to work. Looking fwd to Walleye

  5. get it son. Get it done

