Sunday, July 13, 2014

Jalen is Back

Hopefully next shift off, we will see my old pal and Mountain Trout Fishing Mentor Jalen show back up on the deck of the Top Water Boat.... He has decided to give up his beloved Mountain Trout this summer in order to pursue larger and more diverse Saltwater Quarry... I intend to do my part in helping him reach a few of his Fishing Bucket List items.... Jalen surely helped me realize a few of my "Mountain River Fishing Goals", including a Grand Slam on FLY.... Rainbow, Brook, and Brown Trout, I smile just thinking about that trip........ This morning, he and his Dad kayaked out of Atlantic, NC in pursuit of Red Drum around Drum Inlet... What Jalen caught was very interesting.... The fact that he caught one from his Kayak is pretty unusual here in NC..... But the fact that he caught this one on a Fly Rod..... Well that blows my mind! What did he catch! A damn Pompano, of course.... A freaking Pompano!!!! Capt Marty's most desired species and Capt Marty's biggest source of Saltwater Fishing Frustration.... Period....

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