Thursday, July 10, 2014

July 10- Blown Out

Ed booked me way out.... We've been watching the weather! It has been ALL BAD.... Brutal SW wind and rough as a Cobb! Yesterday, I talked Ed out of even trying... Too rough. Too windy... Then my last words were, "okay Ed, don't get mad when you see a picture of me holding a 40 lb King Mackerel in the Inlet tommorrow afternoon".... Well damn, Ed changed his mind! Then I recruited Gerald for old times sakes.... So, we had a good crew! This morning, it was looking good. The NWS even lifted the Small Craft Advisory... Damn... So this morning we turned the corner at Lennoxville Point and KA-Boom.... A 25+ kt SWer smacked us in the face.... Too rough for Beaufort Inlet. Too rough to catch bait in front of Harkers Island. Too rough to do anything but go home. Told Ed to save his money and put the Top Water Boat back on the trailer.... Yesterday I changed all 6 spark plugs and today she purred like a kitten. Thank God! Total Catch for the Day: Nothing but Wind Burn

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