Thursday, July 24, 2014

July 24- Poor Start and Crazy Ending

Today I had a group of 9. Capt Tuggy and I each took a boat load and we toughed it out in 20+ kts of SW wind and to make matters worse, we fishing in falling tides all morning.... So, it was way too rough in the Ocean and nearly everywhere we went, the hard running tide worked totally against the wind. So, not only was the dirty, rain stained inshore water rushing out of our Inlets, but everywhere we tried to fish our boats were laying "all wrong " on anchor or our drifts were radically altered by hard clashing tide vs wind! Too make a long story short, fishing sucked .... Catching our bait was great! One throw with the 12 foot Castnet got us 20 dozen perfect Menhaden, but unfortunately, finding a nice gamefish to eat one of our live baits was IMPOSSIBLE . We slow trolled inside Barden's Inlet. We bottom fished with live and fresh dead Menhaden inside Barden's Inlet.... Horrible! Then both boats ran back to Beaufort Inlet where, in desperation, we broke out the two hook bottom rigs and squid. We still fought the falling tides and our catch rates still suffered.... After fishing around the State Port and Railroad Tressle at Morehead City and, while catching a few little bottom fish, but still struggling with the tide vs wind dilemma.... We eventually ended up over at Beaufort, under the Beaufort Bridge.... and the fishing was still slow.... Then my VHF started pinging a constant warning about a fast approaching line of Thunderstorms..... Figuring it was time to head to the Boat Ramp, but feeling really guilty about the pitiful total catch, I spied one final spot where I could tie up and catch a few small bottom fish very quickly.....Over at the Fish House in Gallant's Channel, in an open spot just ahead of 2 Big Trawlers...... Then, on my boat, it GOT REAL INTERESTING!!!!! 

Okay, Im back, sorry for the wait... So, I always knew "shockingly" large Sharks and Rays hung around places where SeaFood is processed... In Carteret County, this Fish House is as busy as they come.... Especially when Long-Liners unload.... So anyway, while the girls were catching Pins and Bass, I was rigging up one of my TLD 25's. Its is my Cobia/Grouper combo and is "only" spooled with 50# test... I honestly knew we didn't have good bait for the big stuff and we had very limited time.... Plus, we were a right good distance from where any "dumping" would take place... The fact that a large Loggerhead Turtle popped up 3 times in the exact same place gave me a glimmer of hope. I honestly expected to hook Mr Loggerhead and I figured the crew, from Minnesota, would get a charge out of me simply releasing the Turtle.... So that was my thoughts as I rigged up.... Then, all the sudden, one of the girls had an absolute screamer on the 2 hook bottom rig and tiny cut squid.... It was a "NO CONTEST" fight.... The mystery monster ran around my stern, out past the end of the Dock, then took a 90 degree turn and headed towards Nasty Harbor. Jalen grabbed the rod, ran to the bow and was in the process of climbing up on the Dock to give chase when the 10# line popped! Holy Smokes. Too fast for a Turtle or a Stingray.... "How big was it?", the crew asked. Well honestly I thought, it could've been 75 lbs.... or it could've been 500 lbs. There was no way to tell based on our information.... "Amazement met Doubt" in the Capt's opinion. I could see it on their faces.... I also remembered Sharkman, and old character that fished every night over on the MHC Waterfront back in the 80's.... I saw him catch a 300 lb Lemon Shark one night off the Davis Seafood Docks.... I'll never forget it.... He spoke of 700 lb mystery Sharks. In 10 ft of water. Right on the Waterfront. From the Sanitary Restaurant to Capt Bills. You could get your ass eaten right there...... Anyway, back to my story..... So, before I even tried to hook a monster, we had already hooked one..... Was it a fluke, well with a bad line of T-Storms bearing down on us, we had to hurry to find out.... So I baited up a 8/0 J hook with a whole dead menhaden on 100# leader and tossed it under the Trawler. Within seconds I was hooked up! Holy Smokes..... But, I figured this one out very quickly! Too slow and it moved in short surges... We catch alot of Loggerheads fishing for Cobia and Grouper, and I was too familiar with their fight.... It was Mr Turtle and I quickly brought the 75 lb Loggerhead to the surface and Jalen and I unhooked it. The crew marveled at it and we sent it on its way! Well, I impressed my crew. I told then catching that Turtle would be quick and easy and so it was ! As impressed as my crew was, I was still interested in what else was down there.... So, I baited up with a whole cigar minnow and tossed it back out... Just as I was explaining the odds of landing a Giant here would pure luck because of how many old pilings, Trawlers, regular boat traffic, etc etc etc.... Hopefully, we would get a pull and feel the weight and marvel at the power..... As I spoke, a MONSTER picked up the bait and ripped off line on a locked down drag just like it was in freespool, only this one was moving right to left and within seconds it was inder the dock and there was NO WAY to follow it. The line parted on a piling like a rifle shot. Ka Booooom.... All this happened in 3 seconds.... Holy Shit, earlier I said "could be 75lbs, could be 500 lbs! Let me revise that to....could've been 200 lbs, could've been 700 lbs"..... The weight, the power, and the speed of that thing was simply incredible..... By diving under the dock and between 2 pilings, we never had a chance..... Okay.... I re-rigged and time for ONE MORE DROP..... So I baited up a large Cigar Minnow and Whole Squid combo. I cast it out.... Within a minute, something picked it up and moved.... LEFT TO RIGHT..... Hot Damn, it was swimming towards open water and out into Gallant's Channel.... Don't get me wrong, it would still take a miracle to see, much less land. We were hooked to a GIANT SHARK and in a very small area. The Beaufort Inn Docks to the east, the Beaufort Draw Bridge to the north, the Fish House Docks to the west, and Duke Marine Lab to the south. We did have a chance though, we were IN THIS BALLGAME.. Eric took the rod, Jalen untied us, and the chase was on..... After 10 minutes, we were still on this massive massive animal. It went wherever it wanted. It ran over to the Beaufort Inn twice and it ran back to the Shrimp Trawler twice. Twice it rose to the surface and because the dark clouds and dirty water, we simply could not make it out. I saw color twice. It was definitely a "Gray" Shark... Most of them are gray so thats no real hope to identify it. After an incredible slugfest back and forth in Gallant's Channel, the leader parted. Interesting that this Shark never rolled. We could've told from the rod tip if it had. The 100# leader was bitten off two inches below the weight. Wow. I believe when this thing ate up 4 foot of leader simply by swallowing the bait.... That gives a hint of the size. I'm going to say it was a 450 lb Shark. I'm going to say it was a 450 lb Bull Shark. Let's make this as scary as possible. After the bite off, we ran in just beating the weather that was approaching.... This was a horrible day of fishing. But, me and Jalen, and my crew will never ever forget the way it ended...... Absolutely amazing and I WILL BE BACK. With a 12/0 Penn Senator spooled with 250# top shot. Once again, we will have to get lucky.... Really though, good luck might be the worst thing possible! I can't imagine one of these things by the boat.... Let's find out. Let's do it!!!!  
Total Catch by our 2 Boats for the Day: 1 Southern Stingray, 40 Black Sea Bass, 33 Pinfish, 6 Gray Trout, 8 At. Croakers, and 2 Hogfish

1 comment:

  1. Jaws III!!! This is the anonymous jethro thought was tigerwell. St Eg Got a laugh out of that guy.
