Thursday, August 28, 2014

Aug 23- Oh My Aching Back Fishing Trip and a CITATION KING MACKEREL

Tuggwell is Good on Kings, Cobias, Red Drums, and Striped Bass.... He's The Man!

Nice Haul on a Day when I wasn't much help
WOE.... Nice and cool this morning.... Overcast/Hazy...... Light Winds and Not much Seas, a little Ground Swell....... I couldn't take it!  Once again, the Top Water Boat is on the Shelf.....  Capt Tuggwell, having recently recieved a Life Saving Award from the City of Greenville, needed a REEL ADVENTURE to celebrate.... I, on the other hand, needed to "con" T-WELL into pulling his Boat back down to Beaufort because there is good damn chance that I could be "Boatless" that first week September.... I can't stand to lose another $1000 due to breakdowns.... In addition to the cost of repairs..... Shoot man, I could be in a 2000 to 3000 dollar hole REEL QUICK...... So, I talked Tuggs into a Beaufort Inlet Adventure!  Well, we quickly caught our bait and ran out to the SW off Beaufort Inlet..... Pulling up at the second Yellow Ball to the right, we found some amazingly quick bites from a sea full of Jumbo Spanish Mackerel..... Where the hell have you guys been hiding? I seem to recall 8 quick strikes and 4 Spanish Mackerel expired in the War. Three of them were over 5 pounds and 2 were NC Citation winners.... After a 15 minute lull and just as we were pulling in our baits to make the jump offshore to the next Yellow Ball when it happened! A damn miracle..... The hazr burned off and despite it being close to lunchtime, the Sun shone reddish orange like daybreak! And as Tuggwell reeled in his last Pogy, a 39 lb King Mackerel had other ideas....30 feet from the boat, the majestic King split the Ocean's surface with the wire rig plainly attached to his face...... One end of the bait tumbled right 6 feet high and the rear end of the bait flipped off the left.... Tail still beating.... Out of 10,000 water droplets visible in front of the hazy sky, at least 20 of them were stained with blood...... The World was Silent and Time stopped for a Heartbeat.  As The King crashed  back into his watery domain, Our senses exploded with sights and sounds, shaky nerves and racing hearts...... The Drag on my Shimano Sppedmaster screamed and hundreds of yards of 20# mono melted off the spool..... As usual, we penciled him in as a 50 lb King..... As always! With a sad string of failures and let downs creeping into the back of my mind, I turned the boat as Tuggwell walked forward. Starnge not having to clearr lines, but this was the last bait in the water.... Perfect! This one headed straight offshore! Just like my 46 lb 8oz King did in October of 2000. Just like my 30 lb King did in August of 1988. Just like Gerald's 66 lb King did in Oct of 1997. Just like Linus's 40 lb King did last fall...... So I chased. ten minutes later the big Steel Hook on a Pole hit him in the shoulder and that was that...... Nice Tuggwell..... After that, the fishing was anti-climatic. Reads like a Field Guide.... A Barracuda, A Amberjack, A Grouper, A Shark..... Actually a few released fish too..... Total Catch for the Day: 39 lb 8oz King Mackerel, 4 Spanish Mackerel from 4 to 6 lbs 8oz, a 24 lb Great Barracuda, a 33 lb Amberjack, 4 Gag Groupers from 22" to 28", 5 Black Sea Bass, 1 Southern Flounder, 1 White Grunt, 3 Spottail Pinfish, 1 Sand Diver, 1 Chub Mackerel, 3 Sharpnose Sharks from 5-9 lbs, 1 Blacktip Shark, and 1 Blacknose Shark

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