Thursday, August 28, 2014

Aug 28- Feeling Better and Back to Work

Why does this remind me of my LIFE here lately?
I am Feeling Better and I am Back at Hatteras, but I am working a horrible shift.... Go in at 945am and get off at 10am. That's a DRINKING SHIFT and I don't drink! My Computer is still infected with TECHNO LICE, but there's not a damn thing a dumbass fisherman can do about it....... I got a couple old fishing reports to post too, I'll see if I'm smart enough to get them up in chronological order..... Since last Friday, my boat has been on the shelf and I've had another episode of Back Pain. Y'all remember that 4 years ago I was crippled and looking at surgery and disability..... Well, it magically went away and I've done pretty much what I wanted..... I had one episode last year and I had one last week.... No real cause, just the pain crashing back into my life.... What sucks is, it's the exact same as 2010 ..... Because of that, I'm never sure if it's here to stay or a temporary thing ...... From Saturday through Wednesday, I've been crippled and I've tried to rest, but I've managed some good and great Fishing (mainly as a spectator).... Today, I feel better and I'm back to work at Hatteras..... Not sure what happened or why my back hurt..... It's fading now, thank God..... Now onto my boat....... I'm hoping for good news . A much trusted Mechanic has it and I hope to be up and running next week!

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