Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Aug 5- Flounders for Lunch

Southern Flounder, my Favorite Flatfish

Funny that when the Southern's show up.... The Flounder are suddenly keepers!
Last night was a little different..... I caught 5 Flounders on gulp shrimp. The best part was that 4 of the 5 Flounders were keepers. Right on cue, all these keepers were Southern Flounders. When I finally get home, Jennifer and I will be having some Flounder fillets. They are going to be soooo good! Total Catch for the Night: 4 Southern Flounder from 15" to 17", 1 Summer Flounder at 12", 3 Black Sea Bass,  2 Pinfish, and 1 Oyster Toadfish

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