Friday, September 26, 2014

Sept 24, 25 and 27- South Dock Sight Casting to Sheepsheads at 3am

Flounders from Sept 24 and 25 up to 5 lb 8oz

A truly Sight Casted Sheepshead with a vicious Surface Strike.....At Night!

Tons of Baby Gag Groupers around this Fall. A great sign for the future

A 6 lb Southern Flounder from Sept 27!
More Dead Flounders!!!!
I never thought that I would see a Title like that... If I didn't generate it, I'd never believe it....... A few things to note first: First, the Outer Banks in general and Hatteras Inlet in particular has seen an EPIC PINFISH EXPLOSION this summer. This is my 12th season of spending Half my Time at Hatteras and I am seeing massive hoards of big ass Pinfish everywhere that I look.... Under the lights at South Dock is always like looking into a huge aquarium every night. This is an ABSOLUTE AMAZING SPOT. Less than a mile from Hatteras Inlet, plenty of deep water and plenty of sandy flats, and ENOUGH LIGHT to see from OUTER SPACE. Since 2004, I could've literally wall-papered my house with Sheepshead and Flounder Citations from this place..... Other years, we have caught Black Sea Bass by the 5 gallon bucket full, Squid by the hundreds, huge Gray Trout, huge Conger Eels, and enough Tautog to warrant fishing for them....... This year however, South Dock belongs to the PINFISH........ Next item of note: Every since the NC State DOT owned Dredge Carolina has been tied up at South Dock, the Flounder Fishing has been horrible. The location of the Dredge disrupts the natural flow that the massive schools of Finger Mullet and that is the reason the Flounder have, in the past, have been as thick as, shingles on a roof..... It ain't like that now..... Now the last 2 nights have caught 3 Flounder per night. A far cry from the 28 that I caught on September 7, 2004. 10 over 6 lbs and a big fish of 10 lb 6 oz..... Last night I got a NC Citation winning 5 lb Flounder and a 4 lb 12 oz Flounder.... Nice.... But what will stick in my mind, the last 2 nights, were the 2 hours that I spent sight casting live blue crabs to crazy pyscho Sheepsheads that are swimming around with 1000s of Pinfish. Whenever a baby Crab comes along, the Sheepshead accelerates and busts them on top. Its amazing to watch. After a minute though, the "Angler" in me wants to catch the damn thing.... So the past 2 nights I've spent time casting tiny crabs to marauding Sheepsheads. As it stands now, in a couple hours of effort, I've hooked 1 Sheepshead and caught 2 dozen horse Pinfish. The second biggest problem is actually catching the small crabs. Anyway, I am confident I'll get one tonight! And, on the night of Sept 27, I cast a small Blue Crab to a cruising Sheepshead. The Sheepshead changed directions slightly, raced ahead, and smashed the crab on the surface! A minute later, Keith netted him and my mission was accomplished! Sight casted Sheepshead at Night! Amazing! In the meantime, I have caught several more Flounders and baby Groupers. The Flounders are all keepers and I managed another 6 lb NC Citation Winner last night and a 4 lb 8oz Flounder. Life is Good.....  Total Catch for the Past 3 Night Sessions: 11 Southen Flounder up to 6 lbs, 2 Summer Flounders up to 3 lbs, 6 baby Gag Groupers, 1 Inshore Lizardfish, and 24 Pinfish

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