Friday, October 17, 2014

Oct 17- Best Pinfishing On Earth

Kay and Stacy teamed up to catch a pair of Speckled Trout
I admit, I was torn...... Should I say, "Capt Marty unlocks key to secret Speckled Trout Fishery" or "Top Water Crew bombards Pinfish like the Nixon Bombed Hanoi on Christmas Day in 1972"???? Tough decision. And since the Speckled Trout will probably be a fluke catch...... And since the Pinfish will probably be repeated a 1000 times over...... I went with the Pinfish Title.... Seriously, Stacy and Kay joined up with me today and my personal goal was to catch my Dad 8 damn Spots.... After yesterday, I figured we'd kill them. The Top Water Boat was definitely en fuego on the Spot yesterday.... Today, it was a different result. Totally.  First problem was that every damn boat was anchored up and I couldn't get a suitable drift. Yesterday, there was probably 90% anchored boat rate. However, I had a perfect drift path and nobody got in my way, and more importantly, no one could really see our results..... A damn nice pile of Spots and I saw more Spot caught on my boat than the other 50 boats combined..... On the other hand, today we caught ONE SPOT in 60 minutes of effort. We had to anchor up with the rest of the fleet and we probably weren't patient enough either.... We left as the peak tide was approaching. Honestly after we caught 85 Pinfish to our ONE SPOT enough was enough..... Upon leaving the "Spot spot" we did bumble into a pair of beautiful Speckled Trout. One was over 2 lbs and I swear I saw a 6 lb Speckled Trout flash by off my bow.... Check in tomorrow to see if this was Real or just a Fantasy..... Anyone remember Aldo Nova? Total Catch for the Day: 2 Speckled Trout at 24oz and 40oz, 1 Spot, 85 Pinfish, 8 Hogfish, and 7 Black Sea Bass

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