Friday, May 1, 2015

May 1- Blackfin Tunas: Would've Could've Should've

The Reefs were covered up with Sheepshank Bluefish. 

Largest Gray Trout of the week for Rhino and I

This Albacore fought an incredible battle. He deserved to live

A GREAT DAY of FISHING and we killed 3 great fish to eat. The was it ought to be......
We should've caught one or two, or more, 25 to 30 lb Blackfin Tunas. Because we damn sure had our chances. We slung sting-silvers into and beyond incredible surface frenzied forays that had Full Ass Grown Blackfin Tunas hurling skyward, bellyflopping, and plowing through schools of hapless Herrings. It was quite a show! But, this is a BLOOD SPORT and we failed miserably! There was two occasions that I actually had line smoking off my spinning reel. Both times ended in monumental failure. In reality, I don't think I hooked either fish. In hindsight, I think each was a case of a Tuna getting briefly wrapped up with my line as I cranked my stingsilver through the melee.... It is hard to exolain this level of excitement, anticipation, exhilaration, and failure. To see all those huge Blackfin Tunas, 500 yards off the Beach. 40 miles from where they're supposed to be. And to cast into them. Knowing that "you can't miss"..... Then to miss, cast after cast, after cast after cast..... So incredibly difficult to accept. And I know..... I've been preaching that THESE BLACKFIN TUNA come up this same Beach every year... ONE DAY. On May 6, 2010 I caught a 26 lb Blackfin Tuna, in the exact same spot as todays action. In 2011, a Blackfin Tuna were seen and chased by a friend of mine, all the way up Atlantic Beach. He could not get one to bite though! In 2012, one day in May, there was a Blackfin Tuna caught off a nearby Pier. In 2013, an angler out sightcasting Cobia saw an odd group of "Big Fish" chasing bait. He re-rigged a rod with a stingsilver and caught a 30 lb Blackfin Tuna. Then last year, my pal Capt Chris Kimrey was casting for Bonito and nailed a nice Blackfin Tuna, This was in May, as were ALL THE OTHERS..... One Day in May, the past 5 years in a row. Today was THAT DAY. I was THAT ANGLER. Me and Rhino. We failed. The Streak died......... God we wanted a Tuna soooooo bad.

Back to the Fishing.... Other than the Tuna, we had a great day. Rhino caught a fine Gray Trout at 3 lbs 4oz. We each caught a Bonito. We each caught a False Albacore. Then we saw a school of fish inshore from AR-320. Upon arriving it was a full fledged donnybrook. Packed full of hungry Gamefish. Bluefish. False Albacore. Atlantic Bonito. Hellfire, the Blackfins were probably there too, To say "every cast" was an understatement. I caught one particular Albacore that fought incredibly. Looking back, that fish must've been being chased by a Shark. This fish ran incredible circles all around the Boat 4-5 times. The line slicing the water as it flies by the boat at 20 knots is an amazing sight. I wish everybody could experience this..... I must say, the past 2 days have been AS EXCITING of a START TO A NEW FISHING YEAR as I could ever imagine. Unreal. Giant Sharks. Great Casting. Hurling 30+ pound Tunas 500 yards off the Beach. Trout as fast as you can drop to the bottom. "Every cast" casting. It honestly can't get much better!  Total Catch for the Day: 4 Atlantic Bonito up to 5 lbs 4oz, 5 False Albacore up to 10 lbs, 30 Bluefish up to 2 lbs, 6 Gray Trout up to 3 lb 4oz, 12 Black Sea Bass up to 13", 4 Pinfish, 2 Spottail Pinfish, and 1 Scup

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