Saturday, May 23, 2015

May 23- BIG NEWS

This is a tough post...... Here goes, there is a good chance that The Top Water will be sold in the near future..... I promise that the great fishing will continue and there will be a new "Top Water Boat".

I feel like, as my 50th birthday approaches that it's time for a new chapter in my Fishing Career.... It has been a life long journey. From a kid on the Morehead Ocean Pier, to my family's 16 ft Boston Whaler, to catching a ride to the Gulf Stream at every opportunity..... Eventually to bring a Mate on Charter and Headboats. Commercial Bottom Fishing All Winter!  To a career on the NC Ferry to allow 26 weeks of fishing per year. This lead to 10-12 King Mackerel Tournaments a year plus 30-40 days of Commercial Grouper Fishing a Year. Then I got my Capt License and became a Fishing Guide. 15 years of that with a 25 ft Tower Boat. The best "big fish inshore" boat EVER..... So now, at age 50..... I'm ready to slow down, go Flounder Gigging, spent more time in the Marsh and Rivers. And go back to bumming rides offshore.....

It ain't happened yet, but we will see how this plays out!

In the meantime, let's go Cobia Fishing!


  1. Love to but got no money......

  2. Sandy,

    It would be so weird if you took me fishing.....

    On my boat!

    And never fear, they'll be a new TOP WATER BOAT
