Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Sept 25-28- Ferry Dock Fishing

This could've been "The Week". The Finger Mullet run is peaking at Hatteras Inlet and back in the good ole days, that would've could've should've meant 5-10 Flounders over 20" per night with 4-8 Citations for the Week and a Top Fish of 8-10 lbs. I've been at Hatteras since 2002 and I've got 30+ Flounder Citations at home that came off 2 little sand ridges at South Dock. No joke. Many people may remember those old postings!

Unfortunately, this week I was right there and ready to hammer them BUT..... Instead, we got 10 inches of rain and it blew a Gale for nearly the entire week. I dodged the rain long enough to burn up one pack of Gulp 5" White Jerk Shad. I managed to catch 6 Southern Flounder and 3 Gag Groupers. That's it. I let them all go. I'm changing....... Total Catch for the Week: 6 Southern Flounder up to 24oz, 3 Gag Grouper, and 1 Inshore Lizardfish

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