Saturday, October 17, 2015

Oct 17- Citation Red Drum Surprise

I picked a damm fine day to leave my phone in the truck. Jennifer didn't have hers either. No big deal, we were just going for a short boat ride. Emma was riding too so I grabbed 2 spinning rods and I figured I'd catch her a Bluefish to munch on. After catching 5 small Blues inside the Inlet, I decided to check out Rough Point for schools of Red Drum. Conditions were ideal except for dirty water. I gave up quickly on this idea because it was impossible. I wasn't willing to blind cast on 8 miles of Oceanfront..  As I turned the Top Water Boat around and headed back to Beaufort Inlet, sonething caught my eye. A huge dark spot on the water covered up with splash splash splash pop pop pop...... A HUGE school of Menhaden. Biggest of my year. I raced over for a closer look. I explained to Jennifer how I used to love to snag Menhaden as a kid on the Morehead Ocean Pier. Like this! As I drove a stingsilver into the school. My rod bowed and the tip throbbed as my treble hook found paydirt. My wife thought it was cool! Watch this then, I said. I could already feel mystery fish hitting my snagged Menhaden. I quickly cranked him up to the surface and a half dozen 3-4 lb Bluefish followed it up. Darting in and biting out plugs of flesh. Cool as hell but sadistic. Jennifer felt sorry for the hapless Menhaden, now just a carcass. Suddenly the boat's shadow spooked the Bluefish. I was hoping to hook a larger Blue. I freespooled the "still snagged" carcass to the botton. By the way, I had a great view because I was still in the tower. Amazingly, on the bottom, I got a quick bite. The hookset was solid and the fish surged away like a runaway Freight Train! This fish was obviously pretty damn heavy and strong and my first guess was a Shark. I figured with a stingsilver tied directly to 10# mono, a battle with a big Shark would end pretty quickly. My opponent was still taking line and there was occasional jerk jerk as my quarry shook his head. I dared to tighten the drag fully expecting my line to part on the "Shark's" sharp teeth or abrasive skin.... Neither happened. In fact, I was able to stop my opponent and actually gain some line back. As I fought my fish from my Tower we were attracting the attention of several other Boats fishing nearby. Everyone wanted to see what I had hooked. Finally, 10 stressful minutes after the hook-up, my line started to rise and a large reddish bronze fish materialized out of the greenish gloom......My mystery fish turned out to be a 42" Red Drum.... From the waters off Shackleford Banks, in October.... That's a weird place for a mature Red Drum to be. Just goes to show.... You never know what you might catch when you drop a bait in the damn Ocean! Total Catch for the Day: 1 Red Drum at 42" and 2 Menhaden

To be continued

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