Friday, October 9, 2015

Oct 8- Long Night and Slow Fishing

BenJeye and I stayed up between 1am and 415am and "fished the night away"...... There was a Falling Tide but no perceivable water movement all night. The water was very Dirty. There was NO meaningful Bait. In other words, it's early October and the Ferry Basin should be FULL of MULLET. Running Finger Mullet and the resident population of huge adult Jumping Mullets. They should be full of Roe..... They are GONE. Without the Fingers, the predators are missing. Without the adult Mullets, our grill is cold. No Roe for Bobby Garrish... it is a sad time.... Back to the actual fishing... I guesstimate that in 195 minutes I probably made 150 casts.... I had 5 bites. I missed 2 bites. I caught a Flounder. A Gag Grouper. And a Speckled Trout. The Speckled Trout is significant because in the thousands of hours I have spent fishing here since 2002, this is my First Speckled Trout at this location. Odd...... Meanwhile BenJeye caught a Gag Grouper and a Lizardfish. Long Night. Total Catch for the Night: 1 Southern Flounder, 1 Speckled Trout, 2 Gag Grouper, and 1 Inshore Lizardfish 

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