Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Dec 1- Notes

First, I am home fron Ocracoke and I am nursing an ailing knee. I am actually sitting in my Doctor's Office right now as we speak. My Boat Motor is crippled. Now, I am crippled. In the meantime, both the Bluefin Tuna and Speckled Trout are doing their thing! The Tunas are also being harassed by Giant Mako Shark, which is cool as Hell. I have well documented the "Saltwater Fishing Burnout" that I'm being plagued by. Now 400 lb Tunas and 7 lb Trouts excite me...... But my swollen right knee causes me to hesitate. However, the thought of a 10 foot, 450 lb Mako hurling itself into a 12 foot high backwards somersalt definitely excites me. To hell with that knee, I will be looking a ride tomorrow!

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