Wednesday, March 9, 2016

March 9- Why Did I Go Fishing

Why did I go fishing today? One day I decide to go fishing. I caught a nice Largemouth Bass and a nice Bluegill. But after two trips around the Pond, I decided to slip out on a Dock that was submerged under about 2" of water. From my perspective, if I went out on this dock, I could hit lots of fishy shoreline in both directions. So....... I pulled my socks off and tiptoes out on the Dock. Three steps out, my feet found a slick spot covered with submerged algae. After 2-3 seconds of undetermined spastic balance seeking..... I crashed down, bad knees, bad back, cold water, and all..... So as I slid off the submerged Dock into the Pond Proper...... I checked myself for injuries. All I determined was that I had a saturated cell phone. $500 blown. Nice Bass. Nice Bream. Nice Life I got going here. Total Catch for the Day: 1 Largemouth Bass and 1 Bluegill

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