Tuesday, May 31, 2016

May 30 and 31- Striped Bass Where They'd Never Been Before

I started working on the NC Ferry back in April of 1992. I have found good fishing at Night where ever Ferrys tie up for the Night. Three things are always present. Deep Water, Heavy Structure, and Light. Because of these three factors, two other things are usually present: Bait Fish and hungry Predators..... That being said, when I dropped my Speck Rig inside the Cedar Island Ferry Basin tonight, I was expecting Gray Trout.... Just like all those other nights back in the 1990's. Well, I was in for a big shock when my first strike resulted in a small Striped Bass. Wow. My next cast resulted in a double header of small Striped Bass. With a little wind and scattered rain, those little Stripers kept me busy for 90 minutes.  I figured I caught 16 Striped Bass that first night and actually worked 3 different schools. Different locations inside the Docks and they seemed to "learn" the Speck Rig after a few from each school were caught.  The following night, I caught 2 more Striped Bass...... Quicker to catch on...... Total Catch for Two Nights: 18 small Striped Bass and 1 Pinfish

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